Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome to Module Two!

Get ready and buckle up for non-stop action and adventure!  Thrills!  Chills! Grammar!  A full-length non-fiction book!  An essay exploring the idea of community and how this connects to you!  We're going to have a great 7 weeks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Grading criteria for Module 1 blog post

Your blog post will be graded according to the following criteria:
  • Is the post on the topic assigned?
  • Does it meet the required word length?
  • Had thought gone into its creation- such as, has the writer organized his/her thoughts in a way that is easy to read and understand?
  • Has the post been sufficiently proofread? -there are no grammar, punctuation, spelling errors.
  • The language is professional and the tone is appropriate.
  • Is the entire site a professional product:
    • Professional font type/size/color
    • Appropriate template
    • Functional links to each colleague’s blogs
    • Effort made to make the blog stand out (images, pictures, etc)