Writing in the Digital Age:
Throughout this L & D cycle, you will maintain an original blog as a public space to submit, share, revise, and store your writing for BC class. In addition to uploading posts to your own blog, you will have the opportunity to read and comment on your colleagues’ blog postings as a way to provide peer feedback on each other’s writing. I expect that we will learn much from each other during this process, and I look forward to reading your work.
First, in class, you will set up your own blog through Blogger.com. This will be your own blog that you design, maintain, post to and update. While you will be expected to complete all BC writing assignments, you may also use this blog for your own writing development. However, since this blog is linked to a Year Up course, the expectation is that you will use appropriate professional language and tone, as well as adhere to Year Up’s core values in all blog postings.
In order to develop and grow as writers, we will read and comment on each other’s posts. The format for this will either be directly on the blogs themselves or in class as a group. Please be prepared to share your writing with your colleagues and receive peer feedback, either in class or on your blog.
While the writing process for each blog posting assignment may vary, you will be expected to review and revise past blog posts as your grammar, vocab, and organizational skills improve.